
Main categories of ceramic glaze ?

Categories and uses can be broadly classified as follows: 
1, lead glaze and lead-free glazes
2, raw materials and glaze frit; 
3, once or twice firing glaze firing; 
4, tiles, tableware, sanitary ceramics and porcelain glaze; 
5, divided by glazing method dip glaze, spray enamel, poured enamel; 
6, high-temperature and low-temperature glaze enamel; 
7, high expansion glaze and low expansion glazes; 
8, firing atmosphere oxidizing flame, flame and restore neutral flame; 
9, color glaze with glaze; 
11, shiny glaze, matte glaze, semi-matte glaze or enamel floral and so on. 
These rich glazes fully reflect many of the features, and the glaze glazing and firing of certain products or features. Chemical ingredients include glaze ingredients ingredients, product use, physical and chemical properties, such as porcelain post. Some indication of its process method and glazed appearance appearance, as well as the future development of building and sanitary ceramics glaze point.