
Making Your Life Easier By Reusing Plastic Shopping Bags

Making Your Life Easier By Reusing Plastic Shopping Bagsplastic shopping bag

Use plastic Shopping bags to thaw frozen meat. Thawing beef or chicken can make a mess and may even become a health hazard if left on countertops. Instead, place the frozen food inside a plastic bag and put it in a safe place to thaw. This will make cleanup a breeze and keep your kitchen safe from bacteria.

Plastic Shopping bags can be a useful part of daily life. And if we all pitch in to find innovative ways to help them last longer, it will minimize their impact on the environment (while making our lives easier to boot!).

· Keep plastic shopping bags in your car. Ask anyone with kids or a long commute (or both!) and they’ll tell you that their car gets messy fast. Keeping a few plastic shopping bags in the car will help make quick clean up chores easy – and make the ride that much more pleasant. Store them in the glove box or in your trunk for convenience.

Excellent Poly is one of the country’s premier manufacturers of plastic shopping bags. At Excellent Poly, businesses of all sizes and from all industries can choose between a variety of custom-made and non-printed bags to meet their specific needs.

